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What Should My Golf Cart Charger Read When Fully Charged

What Should My Golf Cart Charger Read When Fully Charged

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Whether traveling around a golf course, resort, or neighborhood, golf carts bring ease and convenience. We should also make note of how they are fun to drive. When you own an electric golf cart, you will want to understand the maintenance and charge levels for optimal performance. One of the more common questions golf cart owners have is “what should my golf cart charger read when fully charged?”. In this blog, we will talk about details surrounding the golf cart battery reading, tips for maintenance and what to expect when your cart is fully charged. 

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Understanding Golf Cart Battery Readings

There are 2 options for golf cart batteries, lead-acids and lithium. Lithium batteries won’t be the focus of today’s discussion as they are usually a single battery with full charge indicators. Setups with a series of 6, 8, or 12-volt lead-acids batteries that equal 48V. These are more difficult to understand when fully charged, and this is crucial for maintaining the batteries properly. 

Fully Charged Voltage Readings

When fully charged, the voltage reader should read higher than the nominal rating of the battery. 

Here’s a breakdown of what the readings should be for fully charged batteries:

– 36V System: A fully charged 36V system should read between 38.2V and 38.4V.

– 48V System: A fully charged 48V system should read between 50.9V and 51.5V.

These readings are an indication that your batteries are at maximum capacity. Time to enjoy your electric golf cart! Ensure there was an appropriate amount of time for the batteries to rest after charging to confirm the accuracy of the readings. The minimum recommendation is a few hours after charging. 

electric golf cart battery charger

How to Measure Your Golf Cart’s Battery Voltage

To ensure accurate readings of your golf cart’s battery voltage, follow these steps:

1. Turn Off the Car: Ensure the golf cart is turned off and the key is removed.

2. Locate the Batteries: Access the battery compartment, usually located under the seat or in the front compartment. If you have a 6-seater, you may need to check under the middle seats. 

3. Use a Voltmeter: Set your voltmeter to the appropriate voltage range (usually 0-60V for golf carts). The high end of the range should be slightly more than the combined total voltage. 

4. Measure Individual Batteries: Place the voltmeter probes on the terminals of each battery to measure their voltage. Grab a sheet of scratch paper or make notes on your phone of each battery’s reading. This will be useful to understand if one or more of those batteries are not performing adequately. 

5. Measure the Total Voltage: To get the total voltage, place the probes on the main positive and negative terminals of the entire battery pack. This reading is what you will judge to understand if your cart is fully charged. 

Factors Affecting Battery Voltage Readings

Keep in mind that following these steps will still not guarantee accurate readings. You will need to pay attention to some other variables that could affect your voltage readings. The main variable would be temperature. You will see slightly higher readings in warm weather, and lower readings when it’s cold. Also, take into consideration the age and condition of each battery. If there is corrosion present, they will not read properly. If the batteries are old, they likely won’t hold the proper charge capacity. 

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Tips for Maintaining Your Golf Cart Battery

To ensure your golf cart battery remains in good condition and provides accurate voltage readings, follow these maintenance tips:

1. Regular Charging: Charge your batteries after each use to prevent deep discharges, which can shorten battery life. If you are not going to use the cart for a long period, use battery tenders. 

2. Check Water Levels: For lead-acid batteries, check the water levels regularly and top up with distilled water as needed. A good habit to form is weekly inspections and monthly maintenance. 

3. Clean Terminals: Keep the battery terminals clean and free of corrosion. Use a mixture of baking soda and water to clean them if necessary. A stiff brush is recommended but make sure it’s not going to scratch the surfaces. 

4. Inspect Connections: Ensure all battery connections are tight and secure to prevent power loss. A loose cable can be mistaken for signs of a failing battery. 

5. Equalize Charge: Perform an equalizing charge every few months to balance the voltage and prevent stratification. An equalizing charge is a controlled overcharge of the batteries to restore all cells to the same state of charge. This can remove sulfate from the plates and prolong your battery’s life. 


To sum up, it is essential to be aware of the signs that your golf cart battery is not properly charged and how to tell when it is fully charged. Not only does this help ensure that you have power for the duration of your ride, it will also last longer and require fewer replacements in the long run. Knowing which type of charger is best for your golf cart and what to look out for can save you time and money. If all else fails, contact your local professional to check on your battery and chargers. With a better understanding of how golf cart chargers work, you will be able to enjoy the experience of driving your golf cart with confidence, knowing that it is going to carry you from start to end without having to worry about running out of charge! We hope this answers your question about what should my golf cart charger read when fully charged.

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