Whether you want to take your golf cart offroad or just compete with the neighbors, it’s important to know how to lift a golf cart. Instead of paying someone a large amount of money, or fumbling around yourself, look at our guide on how to lift a golf cart. Even if you are weighing out a DIY option for yourself, this should be a good read to see if you’re up to the task.

Assess the weight of the golf cart before attempting to lift it
Golf carts are a convenient way to get around the greens, but they can also be quite heavy to lift. Before attempting to lift a golf cart, it’s important to assess its weight first. This can help prevent potential injuries or damage to the cart itself. Golf carts vary in weight depending on their make and model, and some can weigh up to 1,000 pounds!
You can’t begin to lift your cart unless you know what it weighs. This will be important to ensure the proper equipment is used to prevent injury and damage. Make and model of golf carts come at different weights, with some reaching up to 1,000 lbs. Find a ramp or jack to work with to make this safer for you.
Gather appropriate tools and equipment to help you with lifting
When it comes to lifting heavy objects, having the right tools and equipment can make all the difference. It’s important to gather appropriate gear that will not only help you lift with greater ease but also protect you from potential injuries. For instance, weightlifting straps allow you to get a better grip on the weights, while a back belt can provide vital support to your lower back. In addition, consider using lifting aids such as hand trucks or dollies to transport heavy items, instead of overexerting yourself. Remember, taking the time to gather the right tools and equipment can help prevent accidents and ensure that you complete your lifting tasks with success.

Lift the Golf Cart’s Suspension
Lifting your golf cart’s suspension is crucial for better ground clearance and handling rough terrain. Here is your step-by-step guide:
Choose a Lift Kit: Do some research and make sure your lift kit fits your golf cart model. Lift kits range from 3 to 6 inches on average. For most people, a 3-inch lift gives you the look you need without making the golf cart a struggle to climb in.
Prepare Your Work Area: You want to work in a flat, stable location. Bring all the tools needed within proximity. You will want quick access to your jack, jack stands, or ramps specifically. If you are preparing in advance, buy two 10 mm sockets.
Jack Up the Cart: Lift the front end of the golf cart off the ground and place the jack stands underneath to secure it to be worked on. Repeat this for the rear end now or wait until the front has been completed if you are short on jacks or ramps.
Remove the Wheels: To get access to the suspension components you will need to remove the wheels from the golf cart.
Install the Lift Kit: Follow the lift kit manufacturer’s instructions for the new suspension components. Commonly this means removing and replacing the stock springs and shocks.
Reattach the Wheels: Once the lift kit is installed, reattach the wheels and lower the cart back to the ground. If you are doing the front tires first, reattach the wheels and finish the front prior to beginning the back.
Check Alignment: You will want to ensure your handling and performance have not been impacted. Check the alignment to know your tires will wear evenly and the weight is distributed properly.
Carefully Lower the Golf Cart After Repairs
Take your time to prevent injuries with this step specifically. After you complete the necessary work, CAREFULLY lower the golf cart back to the ground. You want to pay special attention for your own sake as well as the golf cart. You should make every effort to perform any test possible that could indicate you have performed the work successfully and you can safely lower the golf cart back to the ground.

Place two 2×4 boards underneath the cart to give you better support
When it comes to moving heavy loads, having the right equipment can make all the difference. If you’re using a cart to transport items, you may have found that you sometimes need a little extra support. That’s where adding two 2×4 boards can really come in handy. By placing these boards underneath the cart, you’ll give it improved stability and a stronger foundation to work from. This can be especially helpful when navigating uneven or bumpy terrain, as the boards will help prevent tipping or wobbling. So, next time you’re getting ready to haul some heavy items, consider adding a couple of 2x4s to your cart for a smoother, safer moving experience.
Move slowly and cautiously as you use a jack or other suitable lifting device to raise your cart
When it comes to lifting heavy objects, safety should always be the top priority. That’s why it’s important to move slowly and cautiously when using a jack or other suitable lifting device to raise your cart. One wrong move could lead to a serious injury or damage to your equipment. So take your time and make sure you have a clear understanding of how to properly use the lifting device before you even begin. By taking these precautions, you’ll be able to lift your cart safely and efficiently.

Secure the golf cart in place with wheel chocks once it is lifted off the ground
When it comes to lifting a golf cart off the ground, it’s important to take safety seriously. Without proper precautions, the cart can shift or roll, putting both people and property at risk. That’s why wheel chocks are so important. These handy devices effectively lock the wheels of the cart in place, preventing any inadvertent movement. Once the golf cart is securely held in place, you can proceed with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you’re taking all the necessary steps to keep everyone safe.
Carefully lower your golf cart back down onto the ground after completing any necessary repairs or maintenance
As a responsible golf cart owner, it’s important to prioritize safe handling practices when making repairs or performing maintenance. Once you’ve completed any necessary work, carefully lowering your cart back onto the ground is critical in ensuring that you, your passengers, and fellow golfers stay safe on the course. Taking a few extra minutes to do this correctly can prevent injury and damage to your vehicle, making your next round of golf that much more enjoyable. So next time you’re tinkering under the hood of your trusty golf cart, remember to take caution and mind the importance of proper handling.

You can save yourself time and find something else to be proud of by learning how to lift a golf cart. While it is a simple process, it is not easy work. You want to make sure you have the proper tools and work carefully. Once the golf cart is lifted on either end use wheel chocks to keep it from rolling. Make sure you have checked the weight capacities of the equipment before jumping into your project. Follow our guide to turn yourself into a high roller and begin turning heads this golf cart season.
In conclusion, it is essential to remember a few key steps when attempting to lift a golf cart: assessment of weight, gathering the necessary tools and equipment, placement of 2×4 boards for better support, use of a jack or other suitable device to lift your cart and secure the golf cart with wheel chocks while it is off the ground. Above all else, taking care and caution with each step is paramount in order to successfully complete any task efficiently and safely. Taking the time and effort to properly do this can save you scams of time down the road in the long run. Not only that, but it also ensures that whatever repairs or maintenance you are doing to your golf cart will be completed with precision and quality results.