This topic has changed a lot since the invention of the motorized golf cart in the 1950s. What used to be a standard term for a vehicle meant to move you around the golf course more effectively, now has some flexibility. In today’s article, we will talk about who is right when you ask the question, “is it a golf car or a golf cart?”.

Defining the Terms
First, a simple definition. A golf cart is used for transporting people and clubs around a golf course. A golf car doesn’t have the hardware necessary for transporting golf clubs. This is the easiest way to tell them apart. There are usually many similarities in engines, size, and structure but if you can’t set your bag on the vehicle, you could call it a golf car.

Understanding Usage
With both terms able to refer to the same vehicle(mechanically), we can use context clues to spot the difference. For instance, location. You will find more golf cars the further you get from any local golf course. Another easy tell is street-legal vehicles with license plates, turn signals, and headlights. Does the vehicle have all the street-legal components but still have a bag rack on the back instead of an extra seat? Well, then you would be right to call it a golf cart. Communities built on golf courses commonly see these types of hybrid vehicles.

The difference is subtle and usually unimportant depending on who you are speaking with. There could be one term preferred simply based on where you are in the world. Similar to the whole soda/pop debacle(it’s pop). This is the same concept since the terms are so interchangeable.

At the end of the day, I think you would struggle to find someone that might argue the correct usage but the question still gets asked. Perhaps you can take what we discussed into your next country club trivia night to show off a bit. There is likely still going to be debate since the terms are so interchangeable, but at least now, you will have some momentum for your argument. Do you find this helpful in how to decide if it is a golf car or golf cart?